Men Have an Important Role in Human Trafficking Aftercare

April 08, 2015 Caleb Benadum Video 
Aftercare, Sex Trafficking, Empowerment, Women & Girls, Travel

Monica Boseff tells the story of a male guard at her shelter who made the girls breakfast one morning. Shocked by this kindness, the girls called her. Why would anyone, let alone a man, do something nice like this for us? That was their question. Monica's answer: because you deserve to be treated with respect. Monica argues that this story highlights the importance of having men involved in anti-trafficking efforts, and in victim aftercare. While precautions are important, good men can have a unique role to play in helping survivors to heal in certain circumstances.

Topics: Aftercare, Sex Trafficking, Empowerment, Women & Girls, Travel

About the Author

Caleb Benadum

Caleb Benadum was previously the Program Manager for the Trafficking in Persons Report Global Heroes Network. He graduated from Capital University with a degree in Philosophy, and the University of Cincinnati Law School with a Juris Doctor degree. Having spent much of his life overseas, he is committed to modern-day abolitionism and the promotion of human rights around the world.

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