
June 09, 2015 Caleb Benadum Opinion

Things to Look for in the 2015 TIP Report

Ever wondered how the TIP Report is formed? Why it exists? How much it has grown since its inception?

June 04, 2015 Caleb Benadum Opinion

TIP Report Global Heroes Network Be a Hero Campaign

The stories we tell have the power to determine those policies, write those objectives, and determine those priorities.

April 30, 2015 Caleb Benadum Opinion

The Democratic Republic of the Congo - Child Soldiers

“…shooting somebody became just like drinking a glass of water.”

April 20, 2015 Historians Against Slavery Opinion

Connecting Slavery Then with Slavery Now: Part 1

Americans find it difficult to empathize with today's enslaved, believing instead that all slaves were black, that their owners were all white, and that the Thirteenth Amendment eliminated human bondage.

April 14, 2015 Caleb Benadum Opinion

How Genocide is Similar to Human Trafficking

When the tanks rolled into Phnom Penh in April, 1975, people were grouped together and marched out of the city. They didn’t know what was coming.