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November 02, 2015 Cazzie Reyes Opinion

How It's Made: Child Labor Tarnished Jewelry

Behind the glitter and sparkle are the forced child laborers toiling in mines to produce these beautiful items.

October 29, 2015 Mariah Long Opinion

Slave Free Gift Planning

Nothing says "I love you" like a gift made with forced labor. Said no one ever.

October 15, 2015 Mariah Long Opinion

Run / Walk / Bike / Climb for Freedom

Choose from a number of 5Ks, marathons, and sports activities raising awareness and funds to end human trafficking and modern slavery.

October 08, 2015 Cazzie Reyes Opinion

History of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking in Thailand

Prostitution flourished especially after the abolishment of slavery in 1905 as former slave wives under the feudal system found themselves alone and without financial support.