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July 27, 2015 Dominique Opinion

How To Start Shopping Ethically

Over the past three years we’ve learned a lot about labor abuse, human trafficking and how spending money thoughtfully can create a huge impact. Here are some of the questions I'm asked most frequently and what I understand today!

July 24, 2015 Cazzie Reyes Story

Business with a Conscience: Certifications and Ethical Practices

From benefit corporations to certified B corporations and direct trade to fair trade, there are several business practices that incorporate social responsibility and support ethical consumption.

July 21, 2015 Caleb Benadum Video

How Lithuania Responded to a TIP Report Downgrade

In 2013, Lithuania was ranked as a Tier 2 country. Previously a Tier 1 country, the downgrade caused a "scandal." But it also helped. Watch the video to learn how!

July 20, 2015 Infographic

The Cost of Ending Slavery

Kevin Bales' estimates on how much it would take to free today's slaves.

July 16, 2015 Kristen Wainscott Video

"Have You Heard of Me?"

Bacha bazi is the practice of men preying upon younger boys, many times stating that they are apprentices, and ultimately using them for their own sexual pleasure.

July 16, 2015 Cazzie Reyes Opinion

Robots and Trafficking

The show Humans depicts robots as domestic helpers, crop harvesters and sex workers and poses ethical questions revolving around inhumane treatment and exploitation.

July 13, 2015 Jessica Munoz Opinion

Human Trafficking is a Health Care Professional Issue

Children being sold for sex or “prostituted” need to be recognized and identified as victims of child abuse.

July 10, 2015 Onya Edwards Opinion

The Secret Victims of Sex Trafficking

What are the provisions for male victims? More importantly, what can be done to make their circumstances and needs known in the anti-trafficking field?

July 09, 2015 Caleb Benadum Opinion

The TIP Report's Dreaded Tier 3

Twenty-three countries made the bottom tier in 2014; how many will make it this year? Did anybody improve?

July 08, 2015 Cazzie Reyes Video

Freedom for Five, Freedom for Five Hundred

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina whipped through the southern part of the United States. Most haven’t heard of the 500 Indian men exploited to work as welders and pipe fitters on the damaged oil rigs in the U.S. Gulf Coast.