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June 09, 2015 Caleb Benadum Opinion

Things to Look for in the 2015 TIP Report

Ever wondered how the TIP Report is formed? Why it exists? How much it has grown since its inception?

June 04, 2015 Caleb Benadum Opinion

TIP Report Global Heroes Network Be a Hero Campaign

The stories we tell have the power to determine those policies, write those objectives, and determine those priorities.

May 15, 2015 Mariah Long Story

Questions and Signs to Identify Human Trafficking

Victims of slavery today can often be invisible unless you know what you are looking for and can ask the right questions. We want everyone to be prepared, share these signs and questions.

May 15, 2015 Caleb Benadum Video

Human Trafficking in a Source Country like Lithuania

Kristina Misiniene from Caritas Lithuania discusses the link between migration and trafficking.

May 14, 2015 Caleb Benadum Story

The Irregular Migration Crisis and Human Trafficking

Thousands of migrants have perished off the coast of Libya since January. These people, both irregular and regular migrants, are among some of the most vulnerable for human trafficking schemes.

April 30, 2015 Caleb Benadum Opinion

The Democratic Republic of the Congo - Child Soldiers

“…shooting somebody became just like drinking a glass of water.”

April 28, 2015 Kerry Hilton Spotlight

The Gateway

For tens of thousands of women in our part of the world prostitution is a way of life simply because they have no choice. Poverty does that kind of thing.