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February 10, 2016 Laura Benrey Opinion

How Have Children Become Involved in the Armed Conflict in Colombia?

Background on Colombia's armed groups and the recruitment of Colombian child soldiers

February 09, 2016 Kelsey Hoie Ferrell Opinion

History of Sex Trafficking in Moldova

Today, Moldova is regarded as the poorest country in Europe. Moldova is primarily a source country for victims of human trafficking, who are frequently forced to become sex workers in the Middle East.

February 08, 2016 Cazzie Reyes Opinion

State-Imposed Forced Labor: History of Prison Labor in the U.S.

The timeline details pivotal policies and milestones since the war that have shaped the way this country thinks about and deals with crime, prisoners and labor.

February 02, 2016 Laura Benrey Opinion

History of Child Soldier Policies

What led to the policies concerning the use of child soldiers?

February 01, 2016 Cazzie Reyes Opinion

State-Imposed Forced Labor: The U.S. Prisoners Fighting Fires or Making Products for the Consumer Market

This Black History Month, we’ll explore the years following the passage of the 13th amendment and the development of state-imposed forced labor in the country.

January 28, 2016 Mariah Long Opinion

Pros and Cons of Suing Nestle

The case against Nestle for not disclosing that its pet food could have been made with seafood caught using forced labor has been dismissed.

January 22, 2016 Mariah Long Video

When She Chose Color

What is your favorite story of transformation?